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Sunday, September 16, 2012

Balancing everything out!

I heard on twitter and some bloggers were making post's for their readers on how they balance out their blogging life, friends, family, school and all the other important... stuff.

I am going to start by saying that this post may be a long one so if you aren't into that then I suggest you stop reading now (even thought I don't want you to).

I don't think you know yet but I have OCD on the organizing side. It is a bit complicated but basically, I can have my bedroom as messy as possible but I cannot live without routines, lists and little things like that. You will find out what I mean in a minute.

Okay, so I am going to start with a paragraph telling you my thoughts about how I balance out my life and then I am going to write down the routine's I use to keep everything on track.

My blogging life is pretty simple. I try to blog four times a week so I do stay loyal to my readers but if I don't reach that then I don't exactly beat myself up about it. I do normally hit the four post mark though so I don't usually have a problem with that.
As for my friends, I only have two best friends and I don't have a boyfriend. If I had a boyfriend then I must admit that I wouldn't spend so much time on my blog BUT I am not planning on getting a boyfriend for the time being because I am only 15 years old and I would prefer to spend most of my time on my school work. Since I only have two best friends, I don't go out that much. One of my bestfriends live too far away and she has a boyfriend so she spends all of her time with her family and him. Whereas, my other best friend is normally not allowed out as she spends tons of time with her family and she has an over-protective mum. So this means I don't spend too much time with my friends which leaves me ALOT of spare time.
I do spend a little bit of time with my family when we go out but we don't have alot of money to do that often so I am usually trapped in my bedroom with again... freetime! It's not that I don't appreciate my family enough to stay downstairs with them it's just that they watch shows on the TV that I don't like! XD
School is the main thing which takes up my time but I don't mind. I like to revise and do my homework straight away so that I achieve good grades and make my family proud. I would hate to not go to school (which will be in a matter of months) because I would be left with nothing to do.
I do have a job but since I am back to school now they don't get in touch with me often. If anything, they would be intouch on a saturday and that is only one day and I finish at 2pm!

Now on to my routine's...

Weekend Routine

Wake Up:
- Cleanse: I start with my neck and work my way upwards using a cotton pad. I do this many times until there is no dirt left on my face.
- Splash face with 10 handfuls of water to make sure I have gotton all of the cleanser off my face.
- Pat dry with a towel: I can't remember why but I do know that 'patting' your face dry rather than whiping it is better for your skin. I think it is something to do with your pores.
- Get changed: I normally don't on Sunday's because like most people, that's my lazy day.
- Apply Makeup: I don't do this if I am not going anywhere so that my skin can have a breather.
- Hair
- Add my everyday accessories (at the moment that is just my pink crystalized watch from Claire's
- Apply Perfume
- Take a picture of outfit: This is only for them days in which I decide to do an OOTD for you guys.

(Now I take a break for several hours and do what I want!:D)

- Have a shower/bath: I do this everyday but wash my hair every other day to prevent it from getting greasy.
- Get changed into my Pj's: I am one of them people who would live in nothing but my PJ's if I could.

- Brush Teeth (You may find it gross that I only do this once a day on a weekend but it is mainly because I have noticed that when I do brush my teeth twice a day, my gums start bleeding. I was going to lie and tell you all that i do brush twice a day but I can't lie. That's just wrong.)
- Read my magazine: I do this because I LOVE magazines but balance out how much I read a day so that I don't have to buy another one everyday because like I said, we don't have enough money to do that.
- Cleanse: I do all of the steps exactly the same as what I do in the morning but I couldn't be bothered to write them all out again.
- Moisturize: I warm up the moisturizer by rubbing my hands together. I then spread it all over my face and down the sides of my neck. For the remainder that is left, I whipe on the back of my hands to make them soft too. :3
- Rotate shoulders and Neck: I mainly do this for stretching but only on weekends because it would be too much for me if I did this everyday.
- Apply Vasaline onto lips.

- Have supper: I do this because for some unknown reason I cannot get to sleep without supper. I usually have cereal (Either; Chocolate shreddies, Crunchy Nut, Weetabix, Cocopops, Weetos, Porridge or cheerios)
- Organize uniform: I only do this on a Sunday but I do this to be prepared for the morning. This helps me take less time to get ready.
- Sweep Ice over my face: Okay, I must admit this sounds really weird. Yes, it is HORRIBLE! and yes, I don't enjoy it but it does make my skin feel softer and more radient. It also helps the dark circles under my eyes.

-Go to bed.

School Day Routine

Wake Up:
- Brush Teeth
- Wash Face: I do this with soap!:D
- Moisturize
- Makeup: Concealer (around eyes, sides of my nose and around my mouth), Blend with a brush, Blush, Skin tone coloured eyeshadow (All over eyelids, bridge of my nose, and on my cupids bow), Mascara, Lipstick (close to my lip colour)
- Style Hair: I don't have a style that I do everyday my hairstyle is where I use my creativity. I have very different styles on different days.
- Get changed: Obviously into my uniform.
- Take out Nose Stud: I have my nose pierced but my school dosen't allow me to keep it in. This means I have to take it out every morning which is a pain.
- Apply Perfume.
-Set off to school via bus.

Get Home From School:
- Put a movie on: This is mainly just for background noise.
- Get changed: Into Jeans and a top just to get out of my uniform.
- Remove makeup: Again to let my skin breathe.
- Put in my nose stud: If not it would heal up.
- Tie hair in bun: Just because I want to be lazy after a hard day at school :P

-Get into PJ's

- Brush Teeth
- Read Magazine
- Wash Face
- Moisturize: Hips, Chest, Bottom (sorry), Stomach, Thighs, Legs, Face and Feet.

- Supper time!
- Organize Uniform: I obviously don't do this on a friday.
- Have a hot chocolate: Helps me to get to sleep quicker.
- Turn internet off on my phone: To prevent messages that might distract me.

- Read a chapter of my book.
- Go to bed whilst listening quietly to my music: This helps me again, get to sleep quicker and also calms me down.

I don't do my skin care routine on Fridays so that I don't overpower myself with it.

Well that's how I balance everything out and I could not be so calm with everything if I didn't have or follow them routines. I'm just mental like that.
I'm sorry that this post has been SOOOOOO long and if I have bored you with it.
I do hope at least one person enjoyed it though and I will talk to you all another day. (Probobally tommorrow)

Thanks for reading,
Lot's of Love,

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