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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

School Photo's

Last week in form, I got my school photo back. It is terrible! I am being serious when I say that I look like a stoned chipmunk! The bad part is that I can't get the whole year photo without obtaining the horrid one! The day I got it taken was alright, I didn't have any obligations to why I shouldn't have my picture taken. It's just the fact that the flash of the camera made me automatically shut my eyes! Now they are half closed. -.- What  makes me laugh is when all of the 'popular's' are always complaining about their pictures saying 'my hair is awful!'...'omg look at my smile'... and I just look at them in disgust because I know they have it much better than me. That's one thing that frustrates me. It had to be me.

My year photo was alright. Even though I was at the front (because I am so small, I could be a munchkin). I just think that out of all of the year photo's such as year 7, year 9 and year 11, we should be allowed to choose which one we want. I would definatley choose my year 9 one due to the fact that I have long hair and on the day of the year 7 one, it was really windy so I don't even have to explain what my hair looked like! Anyway, I am not letting my mum buy the photo. I simply refuse. No way. I would rather have a picture of me as a naked baby hung on the wall than that.

I got this idea from Cat - http://cat-throughacatseyes.blogspot.co.uk (check her out, she is awesome)
Sorry to steal it, you can comment if you don't want me to!:)

Today's observation: When watching 'The Chase' on television, if you count the amount of words in the question and then count to that number by going through the answers, you usually (not all the time) get the correct answer. For example, How old am I? A: 15 B: 14 C:13?
The answer is A because you count to four. If that makes any sense.

Thanks for reading,
Lot's of Love,

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