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Monday, September 24, 2012


Since I have no idea what to write about nowadays I thought I would blog about my exciting experience in Egypt. This was a few year ago but... What the hell? ;)

Why I didn't like Egypt

1. I went with only my Dad. Some people may think this is no reason to complain but all my Dad did was drink. I was practically on my own. 

2. The food was horrendous. I am really picky with food so don't just take my word for it but seriously, I could not eat anything. I think all I had for two week were noodles and I didn't even like them! 

3. The traffic (both people and cars) were all over the place! When me and my Dad went out to the market or even just to the shop, I always stayed as close to him as possible because I honestly thought that I was going to get kidnapped.

4. I nearly missed the flight home. By the time I was in the airport, all I wanted to do was go home. It wasn't a good holiday for me because my parent's had just split up and I didn't have the best relationship with my dad.

5. The camel ride. It wasn't that bad I just got scared when it went head down first. I thought I was going to fall off.

6. Not being able to talk to my Mum. This almost killed me as I love my Mum to pieces and I cannot live without her. I get really bad home sickness and sometimes I can't even go a day without her!

7. The plants! Fair and simple: I got poisoned by a plant. It hurt.

8. The chocolate bars were melted.

9. The entertainment in my hotel (Sharm 'El Sheik - I think it was called) wasn't that good. Some of it was like the dancing but then other acts were only satisfactory. 

Things I did like about Egpyt

1. The scenery is PERFECT. The idea of Egypt in general was gorgeous.

2. The weather was nice and hot. I did get sunburned on my cheeks and nose but it was worth it.

3. The belly dancing outfits are amazing. I got a lime green one knowing that I would never wear it or use it but at the time, I was sort of collecting them.

4. The items which were sold at the market were quite interesting. I wanted to buy so much more than I did but obviously, I couldn't.

5. There were cats everywhere! Egyptians love cats so for me, it was like paradise :3

Now that I have the opportunity to share photo's as I am using my home computer which I cannot do very often, I thought I would. So, enjoy! :)

My Dad

Beautiful Isn't it

Year 7 Me:)


Embarrassing myself..

The Water Park I went to :)

The bar area

My dad getting me off the Camel XD

The resort 

Embarrassing myself again...

Ain't it pretty?

Thanks for reading,
Lot's of Love,

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