
Heey! Thanks for checking out my blog, please recommend to your friends and thanks for reading:)

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Chinese Calender!!

Hey guys! I wanted to show you the chinese calender just incase if you haven't seen it before.

A chinese calender tells you the animal you are within using birth years. I don't know what they all mean so I guess you will just have yo search for it on google. So, go ahead and search for the year you were born in!

Rat - 1900, 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996 (Yes. I'm a rat.) and 2008.

Ox - 1901, 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997 and 2009.

Tiger - 1902, 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998 and 2010.

Rabbit - 1903, 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999 and 2011.

Dragon - 1904, 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000 and 2012.

Snake - 1905, 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001 and 2013.

Horse - 1906, 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002 and 2014.

Sheep (Goat) - 1907, 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003 and 2015.

Monkey - 1908, 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004 and 2016.

Rooster - 1909, 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005 and 2017.

Dog - 1910, 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006 and 2018.

Pig - 1911, 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007 and 2019.

I hope you enjoyed this post and found it interesting :)

Thanks for reading,
Lot's of Love,

P.s. If this post is badly written it's because I had a really bad headache when I wrote it.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Just a Quickie!

This is a really random post but I don't know what to blog about and I thought I needed to do something with pictures as I am on my computer right now soo... I thought I would get onto the subject of... Cupcakes.

I really want one right now. I want to make some (even though I am too lazy to) just so that I can lick the bowl and then eat one after.

I want a chocolate one.

Here are the pictures I found on Tumblr that made me crave cupcakes:

Pictures from Tumblr
Please can I eat them? :(
Do you like cupcakes? Which are your favorite flavors?

Thanks for reading,
Lot's of Love,


Since I have no idea what to write about nowadays I thought I would blog about my exciting experience in Egypt. This was a few year ago but... What the hell? ;)

Why I didn't like Egypt

1. I went with only my Dad. Some people may think this is no reason to complain but all my Dad did was drink. I was practically on my own. 

2. The food was horrendous. I am really picky with food so don't just take my word for it but seriously, I could not eat anything. I think all I had for two week were noodles and I didn't even like them! 

3. The traffic (both people and cars) were all over the place! When me and my Dad went out to the market or even just to the shop, I always stayed as close to him as possible because I honestly thought that I was going to get kidnapped.

4. I nearly missed the flight home. By the time I was in the airport, all I wanted to do was go home. It wasn't a good holiday for me because my parent's had just split up and I didn't have the best relationship with my dad.

5. The camel ride. It wasn't that bad I just got scared when it went head down first. I thought I was going to fall off.

6. Not being able to talk to my Mum. This almost killed me as I love my Mum to pieces and I cannot live without her. I get really bad home sickness and sometimes I can't even go a day without her!

7. The plants! Fair and simple: I got poisoned by a plant. It hurt.

8. The chocolate bars were melted.

9. The entertainment in my hotel (Sharm 'El Sheik - I think it was called) wasn't that good. Some of it was like the dancing but then other acts were only satisfactory. 

Things I did like about Egpyt

1. The scenery is PERFECT. The idea of Egypt in general was gorgeous.

2. The weather was nice and hot. I did get sunburned on my cheeks and nose but it was worth it.

3. The belly dancing outfits are amazing. I got a lime green one knowing that I would never wear it or use it but at the time, I was sort of collecting them.

4. The items which were sold at the market were quite interesting. I wanted to buy so much more than I did but obviously, I couldn't.

5. There were cats everywhere! Egyptians love cats so for me, it was like paradise :3

Now that I have the opportunity to share photo's as I am using my home computer which I cannot do very often, I thought I would. So, enjoy! :)

My Dad

Beautiful Isn't it

Year 7 Me:)


Embarrassing myself..

The Water Park I went to :)

The bar area

My dad getting me off the Camel XD

The resort 

Embarrassing myself again...

Ain't it pretty?

Thanks for reading,
Lot's of Love,

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Shuffleboard #4

Shuffleboard is where I will be listing the first 10 songs which appear on my phone when I set it on... Shuffle! Unfortunatley, this time I will not be putting links because I have to use my phone until my laptop charger gets mended.

1. Seasons Change - Anastacia
I really love how strong her vocals are. I am a big fan of Anastacia and I think she has a great voice.

2. Waka Waka - Shakira
This song really makes me want to get up and dance. I think its a really happy song despite the fact that it is about football.

3. My Happy Ending - Avril Lavigne
This is a song which shows true emotion which is why I love it so much. She might not be the best singer but most of her songs have deep meaning.

4. Spotlight (New Regrets) - Patrick Stump
This is a song which always gets me in a happy mood :)

5. Coming For You 2k7 - DJ Boonie
I had no idea I still had this song this is when I used to be into the chipmunk type singing about three year ago xD

6. Dont giive up - Auburn
Again, this is when I was sad enough to listen to that type of music but Auburn is good when it comes to making happy type music.

7. Brighter - Paramore
I like this song because it's relatable. I listen to it when something similar has happened or is happening to me.

8. Where will you go - Evanescence
I really like the tempo of this song, it isn't too slow like most of their songs are which I really like.

9. Cry Me A River - Justin Timerblake
This is one of the songs that I listen to when I have broken up with someone. Im not a huge fan of JT but I guess he is alright. I did like him in Bad Teacher :P

10. My Life - Dido
This is one of my sad songs. I have a playlist on my phone named 'sad' so that when I am upset I go on a little walk, listen to the playlist and have a little cry just to get all the emotion out. I suggest you should do this as it really does make you feel better :)

Thanks for reading,
Lot's of Love,

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


I'm one of them people who can't stand football. Even at the mention of it I roll my eyes.

It's just so boring. What is the thrill with kicking a ball around? Why are footballers so important?

Football starts riots and fights. I just really don't see the point in it.

I know this is quite random but im filled with loads of different emotions and i am so sick of football being a conversation starter. Anyways I'm going to calm down and shut up.

Thanks for reading,
Lot's of Love,

Monday, September 17, 2012


Do you ever have one of those days where you decide to worship a celeb which you are obsessed with?

I really need to calm down with it actually. It's gotton to the point where everytime I see David Tennants posted something on twitter, I literally jump for joy (that's quite ironic because my last name is Joy.)

I'm too addicted. It dosen't help that he is like fourty odd but OMG he is just so gorgeous. I often have dreams that include him turning up in the TARDIS and then he casually steps out and says 'join me Becky'. I then leap into his arms and he makes the TARDID fly into space using his sonic screwdriver. I hear that when you have a dream more than once it means it's going to come true. In that case, I better start packing my bag now.

I might make a song for him and send it (tehe).

Do you have days like these? Are you obsessed with anyone?

Thanks for reading,
Lot's of Love,

Dance Flick

What the Wayans Brothers did for Scary Movie they're now doing for Dance Flick.
Get ready for non-stop hilarity as popular dance movies get schooled!
Sweet, innocent Megan's ballet dreams are shattered when she is forced to attend an inner-city high school where she meets Thomas, a young hip-hop dancer from the wrong side of the tracks. With a new crew of friends, can this surburban girl with no street "cred" step up her game and achieve her dreams? It's the mother of all dance-offs... And dance movies!

This is one of them movies where you have to be quite immature to find it funny. The main idea is to take the 'mick' out of other dance movies - mainly Step Up.

I think this is the type of movie you would watch when having a sleepover. It would definatley make it a much funnier film.

In conclusion, it is a silly and quirky film which I would recommend to those of you who like Scary Movie or who just want a laugh with someone. I wouldn't call it a comedy though as I don't know about you but it didn't exactly make me 'laugh out loud'.

Thanks for reading,
Lot's of Love,

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Balancing everything out!

I heard on twitter and some bloggers were making post's for their readers on how they balance out their blogging life, friends, family, school and all the other important... stuff.

I am going to start by saying that this post may be a long one so if you aren't into that then I suggest you stop reading now (even thought I don't want you to).

I don't think you know yet but I have OCD on the organizing side. It is a bit complicated but basically, I can have my bedroom as messy as possible but I cannot live without routines, lists and little things like that. You will find out what I mean in a minute.

Okay, so I am going to start with a paragraph telling you my thoughts about how I balance out my life and then I am going to write down the routine's I use to keep everything on track.

My blogging life is pretty simple. I try to blog four times a week so I do stay loyal to my readers but if I don't reach that then I don't exactly beat myself up about it. I do normally hit the four post mark though so I don't usually have a problem with that.
As for my friends, I only have two best friends and I don't have a boyfriend. If I had a boyfriend then I must admit that I wouldn't spend so much time on my blog BUT I am not planning on getting a boyfriend for the time being because I am only 15 years old and I would prefer to spend most of my time on my school work. Since I only have two best friends, I don't go out that much. One of my bestfriends live too far away and she has a boyfriend so she spends all of her time with her family and him. Whereas, my other best friend is normally not allowed out as she spends tons of time with her family and she has an over-protective mum. So this means I don't spend too much time with my friends which leaves me ALOT of spare time.
I do spend a little bit of time with my family when we go out but we don't have alot of money to do that often so I am usually trapped in my bedroom with again... freetime! It's not that I don't appreciate my family enough to stay downstairs with them it's just that they watch shows on the TV that I don't like! XD
School is the main thing which takes up my time but I don't mind. I like to revise and do my homework straight away so that I achieve good grades and make my family proud. I would hate to not go to school (which will be in a matter of months) because I would be left with nothing to do.
I do have a job but since I am back to school now they don't get in touch with me often. If anything, they would be intouch on a saturday and that is only one day and I finish at 2pm!

Now on to my routine's...

Weekend Routine

Wake Up:
- Cleanse: I start with my neck and work my way upwards using a cotton pad. I do this many times until there is no dirt left on my face.
- Splash face with 10 handfuls of water to make sure I have gotton all of the cleanser off my face.
- Pat dry with a towel: I can't remember why but I do know that 'patting' your face dry rather than whiping it is better for your skin. I think it is something to do with your pores.
- Get changed: I normally don't on Sunday's because like most people, that's my lazy day.
- Apply Makeup: I don't do this if I am not going anywhere so that my skin can have a breather.
- Hair
- Add my everyday accessories (at the moment that is just my pink crystalized watch from Claire's
- Apply Perfume
- Take a picture of outfit: This is only for them days in which I decide to do an OOTD for you guys.

(Now I take a break for several hours and do what I want!:D)

- Have a shower/bath: I do this everyday but wash my hair every other day to prevent it from getting greasy.
- Get changed into my Pj's: I am one of them people who would live in nothing but my PJ's if I could.

- Brush Teeth (You may find it gross that I only do this once a day on a weekend but it is mainly because I have noticed that when I do brush my teeth twice a day, my gums start bleeding. I was going to lie and tell you all that i do brush twice a day but I can't lie. That's just wrong.)
- Read my magazine: I do this because I LOVE magazines but balance out how much I read a day so that I don't have to buy another one everyday because like I said, we don't have enough money to do that.
- Cleanse: I do all of the steps exactly the same as what I do in the morning but I couldn't be bothered to write them all out again.
- Moisturize: I warm up the moisturizer by rubbing my hands together. I then spread it all over my face and down the sides of my neck. For the remainder that is left, I whipe on the back of my hands to make them soft too. :3
- Rotate shoulders and Neck: I mainly do this for stretching but only on weekends because it would be too much for me if I did this everyday.
- Apply Vasaline onto lips.

- Have supper: I do this because for some unknown reason I cannot get to sleep without supper. I usually have cereal (Either; Chocolate shreddies, Crunchy Nut, Weetabix, Cocopops, Weetos, Porridge or cheerios)
- Organize uniform: I only do this on a Sunday but I do this to be prepared for the morning. This helps me take less time to get ready.
- Sweep Ice over my face: Okay, I must admit this sounds really weird. Yes, it is HORRIBLE! and yes, I don't enjoy it but it does make my skin feel softer and more radient. It also helps the dark circles under my eyes.

-Go to bed.

School Day Routine

Wake Up:
- Brush Teeth
- Wash Face: I do this with soap!:D
- Moisturize
- Makeup: Concealer (around eyes, sides of my nose and around my mouth), Blend with a brush, Blush, Skin tone coloured eyeshadow (All over eyelids, bridge of my nose, and on my cupids bow), Mascara, Lipstick (close to my lip colour)
- Style Hair: I don't have a style that I do everyday my hairstyle is where I use my creativity. I have very different styles on different days.
- Get changed: Obviously into my uniform.
- Take out Nose Stud: I have my nose pierced but my school dosen't allow me to keep it in. This means I have to take it out every morning which is a pain.
- Apply Perfume.
-Set off to school via bus.

Get Home From School:
- Put a movie on: This is mainly just for background noise.
- Get changed: Into Jeans and a top just to get out of my uniform.
- Remove makeup: Again to let my skin breathe.
- Put in my nose stud: If not it would heal up.
- Tie hair in bun: Just because I want to be lazy after a hard day at school :P

-Get into PJ's

- Brush Teeth
- Read Magazine
- Wash Face
- Moisturize: Hips, Chest, Bottom (sorry), Stomach, Thighs, Legs, Face and Feet.

- Supper time!
- Organize Uniform: I obviously don't do this on a friday.
- Have a hot chocolate: Helps me to get to sleep quicker.
- Turn internet off on my phone: To prevent messages that might distract me.

- Read a chapter of my book.
- Go to bed whilst listening quietly to my music: This helps me again, get to sleep quicker and also calms me down.

I don't do my skin care routine on Fridays so that I don't overpower myself with it.

Well that's how I balance everything out and I could not be so calm with everything if I didn't have or follow them routines. I'm just mental like that.
I'm sorry that this post has been SOOOOOO long and if I have bored you with it.
I do hope at least one person enjoyed it though and I will talk to you all another day. (Probobally tommorrow)

Thanks for reading,
Lot's of Love,

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Casada - Evacuate the Dancefloor (Album)

The reason why I love this album is because the songs really do make you want to get up and dance.
However, the lyrics to the song are not part of the booklet which is a let down for me.

I have five favorite songs on this album. These are; Draw The Line (Yanou's Candelight Mix) - This song has so much meaning to it. She is singing about how much she likes a boy but she knows that its time to 'draw the line' so she is planning to say goodbye to him, What About Me- Im this song Cascada is basically saying the guy who she is singing about is not liking her for who she is so she is breaking free, Everytime I Hear Your Name- This song is about when you break up with someone and you see their friends or hear their name and other things constantly remind you of that person, Breathless- This song is about trying to be strong when a partner is about to leave but secretly your dying inside and last but not least, Ready or Not- The moral of this song is that guys should not mess about with you, they should take the chance and be with you no matter if they are ready or not.

Songs on the album:
1. Evacuate the Dancefloor
2. Hold On
3. Everytime I Hear Your Name
4. Ready Or Not
5. Fever
6. Hold Your Hands Up
7. Breathless
8. Dangerous
9. Why You Had To Leave
10. What About Me
11. Draw The Line (Yanou's Candlelight Mix)

I can't provide a picture unforunatley of the album cover because my laptop charger is still broken *sigh*

Thanks for reading,
Lot's of Love,

I got it!:D

I'm on @InstaTalks! Get It FREE on the App Store or Google Play and start chatting with me! #instatalks

Instagram- qwertypop1996
:):) xxxxx

101 Powder Blusher

What shade?

Where was it made?

This blush is perfect. It lasts all day long and is sooo pigmented. The only problem is it is very easy to accidently put too much product on the blush brush. This can be a problem because of how pink it is.

I LOVE this product. I'm not sure what brand it is though but if you walk past it in superdrug then you have got to pick this up. I'm also not sure how much it is either because I obtained it off my sister. I'm so sorry for not helping at all with all of this but I can assure you, when I run out I am going to look EVERYWHERE for a re-purchase.

Thanks for reading,
Lot's of Love,

Thursday, September 13, 2012


Dress: Carboot Sale

I thought I would show you all that one of the best ways to recycle clothes is through a carboot sale.
Obviously it would be even better if you are handy with a needle because then you could recreate any item of clothing and update it:D

What's not to love?

Thanks for reading,
Lot's of Love,

Get to know me!

I thought up some fashion-based (to make this post interesting) questions which I have answered to help you all get to know me just a little bit more.
I only thought up three questions to be on the safe side. I don't want to bore my amazing readers.

What advice would you give to readers about style?
Don't be afraid of trying anything new. When I go shopping with Bex we pick out random clothes for each other to try on, even if the other person dosen't like that particular style. This is a great way to discover new ways of dressing. I once tried on a top which Bex chose for me and I hated it. However, when I tried it on I was pleasently surprised with the outcome. Doing this with your friends is also a thing to do when you have no money.

What outfit would you wear to feel confident?
I would have to say a floaty dress. Dresses are great to express who you are but I wouldn't wear a pencil dress as I sometimes get a little self-concious about my weight. It's all about the comfort for me!

What advice could you give for accepting who you are?
Be original. Life wouldn't be fun if we were all the same. Just enjoy each day as much as possible and be yourself. It may seem cliché but being true to yourself is very important.

Let me know if you want more post's like this:3

Thanks for reading,
Lot's of Love,

Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Ahh. Drama. The subject which you either love or hate.

I do like Drama but it's only recently that I came to that conclusion. This is because I have a new teacher called Mr May. He. Is. Awesome. Tehe!

I did have a teacher called Miss Bell for GCSE Drama and that annoyed the hell out of me because she just never shuts up. As soon as she starts yapping on me and my best friend (Bex) would turn to each other and think 'omg, here we go again'.

The advantage of Drama is you get to express who you are. I do like this as I am the type of person who shy's away from speaking my own thoughts and opinions.

The disadvantage is that I don't work well with groups of people whom I don't normally work with. However, I have recently accepted this and thought of it as practice for the future. I try my best.

On a more positive note I thought I would share a picture of myself so you all know I'm not some flabby green alien called an Absorbalof. Enjoy!

Thanks for reading,
Lot's of Love,


I would like you to ask me any questions. As I get bored quite a lot I will answer any question which has been sent through to me.

Just ask away in the comments on any of my posts or on twitter (@qwertypop1996) and I shall answer as soon as possible.
Don't be shy!

Thanks for reading,
Lot's of Love,

Monday, September 10, 2012

Shuffleboard #3

Shuffleboard is where I will be listing the first 10 songs which appear on my phone when I set it on... Shuffle! Unfortunatley, this time I will not be putting links because I have to use my phone until my laptop charger gets mended.

1. Libary Pictures - Artic Monkeys
To be honest, I didn't even know I had this song on my phone. I really should listen to it though it dosen't sound bad:)

2. California King Bed - Rihanna
I love singing to this song I really love it because I find it relaxing.

3. Final Form - Lianne La Havas
I just love the unique voice.

4. Beat of My Drum - Nicola Roberts
It's one of those 'feel good' songs. It really does make me want to get up and dance.

5. Original Mix - Skrillex
It makes me want to start chav dancing xD

6. Heartbreaker - Will.I.Am and Cheryl Cole
Although I am a huge fan of Rock music I also like some Pop music (mainly ones which aren't overplayed on the Radio.)

7. Read All About It - Emeli Sande and Professor Green
I think I have said this before but this song reminds me of past experiences.

8. Don't Wake Me Up - Chris Brown
I like how catchy this song is.

9. Bite My Tongue - You Me At Six
Even though this song has screamo in it, I LOVE it. It's so addictive and i'm a girl obsessed.

10. Dear Mr President - Pink
The reason why I love this song is because the lyrics are so meaningful.

Thanks for reading,
Lot's of Love,

Picture Post #2

This post will show my most loved tumblr pictures so that I can share them with all of you!

Day Book
Starting time: 17:40
I'm wearing: Pink jeans, black socks, grey top with horizontal navy blue lines and black shiny buttons on the shoulder sleeves, small ring, big bow necklace with pearls in the middle.I'm watching: The Wizard of OZ
I can hear: The witch -.-
I want to: Punch the witch in the face - tehe :3
Finishing time: 17:41 (not bad for me)

Thanks for reading,
Lot's of Love,

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Just a Quickie!

My Mummy and Step Dad are outside sunbathing in my Garden... This is strange to me because there isn't any sunshine! I went out a bit ago to ask where the paracetamols are and I noticed that it's not even warm either! Actually, it's a bit chilly.

I like how they are just casually talking to each other and saying 'init hot' (sometimes my parent's can be quite chavvy.)

Do you think my parent's are as abnormal as I think they are? OR maybe I am just over thinking this?

Thanks for reading,
Lot's of Love,
Becky xxxx

Family Guy Season Four

I am continuing my shout-out for Family Guy and this time I am reviewing Season Four (as you may have guessed from the title.)

Season Four (the DVD) is the best for watching all the episodes. For Seasons 1-3 you have to keep switching between episodes. For Seasons 4-5, there is a button (Play All) which obviously allows you to play through all of the episodes at once without stopping in between. This, for me is a very handy feature.

I really love all the episodes in this Season so instead of picking my favorites, I am going to list my three least favorite episodes.

1. Petarded - Peter is thrilled to learn he has been diagnosed as mentally challenged, so he can now do whatever he pleases... until Child Services deems him unfit to care for his children.
I think I don't like this episode as much due to the fact that I have watched it too much. So, it's nothing personal.

2. Breaking Out is Hard to Do - The rush of shoplifting turns Lois into a Kleptomaniac and lands her in the slammer but Peter smuggles her out (in his mouth) and the family takes refuge in Quahogs Asian-town. 
To me, personally, this episode has just too much going on. I just think it should end a different way.

3. Jungle Love - Tormented by older high school students, Chris joins the peace corps, marries a tribal girl and plans to never return. In his attempt to retrieve Chris, Peter infuriates the entire tribe.
I do like this episode but I have mainly put it on this list because the whole story-line focuses  on Chris and Chris isn't exactly a favorite of mine when it comes to the Characters.

Now here is a list of the rest of the episodes (in no particular order):
4. North by North Quahog
5. Fast Times at Buddy Cianci JR. High
6. Blind Ambition
7. Don't Make Me Over
8. The Cleveland - Loretta Quagmire
9. Brian The Bachelor
10. 8 Simple Rules for Buying My Teenage Daughter
11. Model Misbehavior
12. Peter's Got Woods
13. The Perfect Castaway

Day Book
Starting time: 14:14
I'm wearing: Grey socks with a Panda on, White PJ Bottoms with black large spots on, Black PJ top with three-quarter sleeves (It is Sunday so technically, i'm allowed to lounge about in my PJ's all day :3)
I'm watching: Funnily enough, Family Guy
I can hear: Peter Griffin 
I want to: watch Russell Howard's Good News
Finishing time: 14:16

Thanks for reading,
Lot's of Love,

Friday, September 7, 2012

This is how I disappear

This song has been in my head since lunch time of school which was obviously a fair few hour ago. Therefore, I decided I would post it on my blog for you to hear it (if you haven't).

I think it's one of them songs which you either love or hate. I guess it depends on the type of music which you normally listen to. As for me, I listen to every type of music from Dance to Rock.

And without you is how I disappear

Thanks for reading,
Lot's of Love,

L'OREAL Bare Naturale Gentle Mineral Powder

How much was it?

Where did you get it from?

What color did you get it in?
Light Ivory

How many grams?

Baron Nitride and Isononyl Isononancate

Where was it made?

I absolutely adore this powder. I decided to get a light color as the foundation I use is... Well... ORANGE! This powder, however, does calm it down - this is the main reason why I love it. This isn't the only amazing effect of this powder, it also helps set my makeup very well and it leaves my skin looking flawless with even coverage. 
The only downside to this product is the brush. It dosen't do a very good job. On the other hand, if you have a perfect bristle brush which you can use instead then does it really matter?
Overall, I would definatley re-purchase and I do highly recommend it. It saves the day in my opinion.

Thanks for reading,
Lot's of Love,


I have never done one of these post's before so this may not be perfect.

Top:From my sister and  Jeans:Internacionale

I recently wore this outfit whilst I was out shopping with my friends. I really love how the colours compliment each other. This outfit is bright and unique and eye-catching due to the 'colour block' theme which is happening. I also love how it is so simplistic and perfect for casual wear or even just walking to the shop in. 

If you do have any suggestions on how to make my OOTD's better, please feel free to leave a comment :)

Thanks for reading,
Lot's of Love,

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

My Most Laid Back Outfits!

Since I love style, here are some of my favorite outfits which are my most laid back.

I really like this outfit it can be dressed up or down. It's perfect for daytime and in the evening, if I pair it with loads of accessories it's instant glam!

I like this outfit because you can wear it anywhere and it's original. I like the fact that it's comfy and it doesn't cost too much. It's all about the layering.

These clothes really show my personality. The colours are great for any weather so I can wear it whenever. This is definatley one of my favorites.

I love this outfit because it's bright. I can chill with my friends in it or dress it up to go out in. Although, I also can wear it when I'm walking me dog so I guess this is my 'go-to' outfit when I feel as if I have nothing to wear.

Thanks for reading,
Lot's of Love,

P.S. - Sorry about the quality of these photo's, I don't have a working camera at the moment so I obviously took all these with my phone.
P.P.S. - I wasn't wearing makeup and these photo's were taken early hours of the morning so that's why I look drained.

Day Book 

Starting time: 20:56
I'm wearing: Blue nightie with floral print, Comfy white slippers, rainbow socks which are fluffy enough to act as slippers and my white dressing gown
I'm watching: Technically I'm listening but Smash Hits Radio
I can hear: The song which goes 'It's taking me highherrr, highhherrr higherrr off the ground' I think Kylie is one of the singers...
I want to: Admit some things to my ex whilst we are talking but I'm too afraid too... Aw well I'll prob regret it anyways :)
Finishing time: 20:58

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Random Thoughts!

First of all, recently I have been obsessing over my weight (I know I shouldn't but sometimes you just can't help it!)
I decided to check out celeb 'bikini' bodies for inspiration like they do in magazines and I thought I would show you the bodies which I envy the most.

Tulisa Contostavlos
I really admire how she is not one of those celebs who always try to loose weight. She is an inspiration as she has a normal figure, she is a successful singer and she isn't on any kind of diet! I admire her for that. 

Michelle Keegan

Abbey Clancy

On another note, I watched Bad Teacher yesterday and I highly recommend it. I really do wish that I went to that school >.<

Thanks for reading,
Lot's of Love,


Only a few hours until I go back to school... AND I'm in year 11!!!! To be honest, I can't wait since I have been doing nothing in the summer holidays, I did go swimming, shopping and to my dad's house but mainly I have been eating, watching TV and blogging. I'm so glad that my sleeping pattern hasn't gone bizarre otherwise it would be so hard to get up at 6:45am!
Overall, I have done more than my previous six week holiday experiences.

I have so many idea's for blog posts in my notebook so watch out!

I got this idea from Cat and thought it was good so I have decided to do it :3

Day Book (not going to number these I'll just loose count!) 

Starting time: 18:06
I'm wearing: Dark blue Jeans, Plain Pink tank top, Sheer black jacket (hard to explain), White plain socks (sorry to dissapoint), Pink sparkly watch, Small gold hoop earrings, Pear bracelet, Two white beaded bracelets, Small crystal ring, Heart neckalce, White sparkly bow in my hair
I'm watching: Nothing but if it counts, I'm listening to music via my phone
I can hear: Listen to your heart - Eminem
I want to: Know why both my parents have blue eyes and I have green...
Finishing time: 18:10

Thanks for reading, 
Lot's of Love,

P.S - Yes I have changed my font to 'Georgia'. I thought it looked much girlier. :)

Shuffleboard #2

Shuffleboard is where I will be listing the first 10 songs whch appear on my phone when I set it on... Shuffle! I will also put links to the songs for you to listen to:)

1. Milk Inc. - Walk On Water
I couldn't find the original on Youtube... but anyways, I love this song because my mum used to listen to it during my childhood. It brings back memories.

2. Dido - Thank You
I am a big fan of Dido and so is my step dad. We both agree that it's her unique voice which catches our attention.

3. Emeli Sande and Proffessor Green - Read All About It
I love the storyline. It's as simple as that.

4. My Chemical Romance - Welcome To The Black Parade
I am a HUGE fan of MCR. I go crazy when I hear ANY song by them.

5. Dido - Life For Rent
I love how chilled out this song is and I also love scaring my neighbours by singing it ;)

6. Paramore - Decoy
I love any Paramore song. Enough Said.

7. Justin Timberlake and Ciara - Love, Sex and magic
This is one of my favourite songs to dance around my bedroom to.

8. Evanescence - Hello

I discovered this song when I was going through my 'emo phase', I couldn't delete it as I am a lover of sad songs which make me cry. I love how it is so emotional and really makes me think. I have no idea why but that's just who I am.

9. Paramore - I Caught Myself
This is the first song by Paramore that I ever listened to. Therefore, it's my favorite. (Although it is from Twilight)

10. Dido - Honestly OK
ANOTHER Dido song. Do I really need to explain my love for it?

Thanks for reading,
Lot's of Love,

Picture Post #1

I decided to write this post when I realized my love for Tumblr. Basically, I am going to post 11 pictures (yes, I know that's a strange number. I thought I would be original) and these pictures will be my most loved Tumblr pictures.

I will try to post this everyday but as I have school tommorrow (eeeeek!) and things to do, I might end up posting every other or every few days.

So here is my first picture post... :D

Thanks for reading,
Lot's of Love,